by David Phinney
Thursday January 23rd 2025



‘World affairs’ Archives

Cracking India’s Caste System

Simply because of birth, they are considered "untouchables." Known as Dalits, they have been India's low-ranking outcasts for 3,000 years. It is a rigid caste system where the wealthier -- even the middle class -- are trained to believe they are smarter and more entitled to better lives than the 70 percent of Indians who are born with less. But [...]

Book Review: Licensed to Kill

Book Review: Licensed to Kill

by David Phinney May 23, 2007 -- In his book, Licensed to Kill, Robert Young Pelton hits the bull's eye with a sweeping, crash course in the explosive growth of private security contractors. Thrust from the sweltering groins of Africa, Papua New Guinea and other trouble spots around the globe where hidden treasures of oil and minerals tempt [...]

Training Peacekeepers Around the World

Northrop Grumman landed a five-year, $200 million contract for the Global Peace Operations Initaitive as part of the US State Department initiative to build peacekeeping operations worldwide -- with a present emphasis on Africa. L3 Communications MPRI won a similarly valued contract. Both companies will be working on GPOI initiative. The program [...]

The World Bites Back: Wolfowitz Gets the Boot

The World has Spoken: Wolfowitz's lasting legacy may very well be his role in planning and managing the Iraq war while serving at the Pentagon. The Petty Salary Rigging: for his girlfriend at the World Bank meant nothing. In the world's eyes, his executive handiwork only reflects the more lurid bid rigging for contractors in Iraq. Contractors [...]

Philippines Warns Companies to Stop Recruiting Workers for Iraq

The US economy thrives on illegal immigration here in the United States so apparently the US State Department doesn't care. It uses Philippine workers and other laborers from countries that have bans on their citizens working in iraq to build its new embassy: Asian Workers Trafficked to Build World's Largest Embassy. Well, rest assured: It's [...]

Wolfowitz: White House Ponders Possible Replacements

President Bush as repeatedly affirmed his support for Paul Wolfowitz, the embattled World Bank President, but behind the scenes, White House staff is drawing up a list of possible replacements. Wolfowitz cancelled formal appearences on Thursday to meet behind closed-doors with the World Bank's 24-nation board, which is investigating whether he [...]

Wolfowitz: Girlfriend a ‘Must Hire’ for Iraq Contractor

Wolfowitz: Girlfriend a ‘Must Hire’ for Iraq Contractor

It was very much business for a Defense Department contractor, SAIC: But behind the scenes, it looks like a lover or friend in high places may have been pulling the strings for the girlfriend of Paul Wolfowitz, Shaha Riza. How did Riza land a moonlight gig with the Iraq contractor in 2003? At the request of the Defense Department, according [...]

Wolfowitz: Girlfriend’s Shadowy Iraq Work

Shaha Riza and long-time companion (read: heart throb) of World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, apparently performed moonlighting services for a Pentagon contractor during the run up to the Iraq invasion while also working for the World Bank. The Government AccountabilityProject (GAP) Notes: Riza worked as a "subject matter expert" on the Middle [...]

Wolfowitz Under Fire: Iraq in the Shadows

With the 10,000 member World Bank Staff Association is asking Bank President Paul Wolfowitz to step down amid charges of improperly giving pay raises to his girlfriend, a Bank employee, Wolfwitz's role in planning and managing the invasion of Iraq at the Pentagon may come back to haunt him. Wolfowitz once assured the U.S. Congress that Iraqi oil [...]

Imelda: Giggles for Castro, Sighs for Saddam and Noriega

In the course of two days and some eight hours of conversation: Imelda Marcos talks about her husband, former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and his 7,500 tons of gold; her grandson's jewelry line; exile in Hawaii; New York notoriety, the concept of "Imeldific" -- and encounters with world leaders. Yvette Ferreol of Bloomberg visited with [...]