by David Phinney
Friday January 24th 2025



Wolfowitz: Girlfriend’s Shadowy Iraq Work

Shaha Riza and long-time companion (read: heart throb) of World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, apparently performed moonlighting services for a Pentagon contractor during the run up to the Iraq invasion while also working for the World Bank.
The Government AccountabilityProject (GAP) Notes: Riza worked as a “subject matter expert” on the Middle East at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) — a major player in intelligence gathering prior to the Iraq invasion. At that time, Paul Wolfowitz was the Deputy Secretary of Defense, a chief architect to the Iraq campaign.
Bank Sources Verified: Riza never applied for nor received World Bank permission to provide these consultant services to SAIC.
A Blatant Employment Violation: Bank sources told Gap that Riza’s undisclosed moonlighting for a Pentagon contractor would never have been tolerated at the Bank. They said her apparent secrecy would be grounds for dismissal. World Bank staff rules require employees to clear outside professional activities to prevent conflicts of interest.
“Multiple conflicts of interest probably existed,” said GAP International Program Director Bea Edwards in a press release:
1) Riza was reportedly romantically involved with Wolfowitz at the time and the Iraq War was imminent.
2) SAIC was a defense contractor.
3) The World Bank had active projects in Iraq.

“International institutions, such as the World Bank and the United Nations, depend on mutual trust,” said Edwards, who interviewed World Bank sources. “Member governments trust that employees work only to serve the institution’s mission and that of the international community. A violation of that trust undermines the very foundation of international cooperation.”

The Dating Game: Riza began dating Wolfowitz since 2002, the year he separated from his wife of 30 years. President Bush nominated Wolfowitz to World Bank president in 2005 while Riza was working in the bank’s Middle East and North Africa (MENA) section.
Influential Friends: Bank regulations prohibit spouses or partners from supervising one another, so Riza was compelled to resign from the Bank — but not before Wolfowitz first signed off on her promotion and salary increase. She then took that upgrade to a new position at the U.S. State Department, with a job reference from Wolfowitz, where her salary increased from $132,660 to $193,590. (Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice earns $186,000.)
Riza carries a British passport and is of Saudi and Libyan descent.
Here’s GAP’s press release.
More on Wolfowitz and Iraq.


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One Response to “Wolfowitz: Girlfriend’s Shadowy Iraq Work

  1. Andy says:

    Does any x-contractors that work as truckdrivers manily JP8 tanker driver that hualed fuel from Nassiriyah Iraq to Baghdad Iraq i need a list from camp cedar of drivers names from 2003-2004 I’m writing a book and then a movie of the real untold story of the grief and surrfering of this brave patriots that risk their lives every time they hit the godforsaken roads that led to Nassiriyah Iraq to Baghdad Iraq in a war zone without any kind of guns only three 50cal.mounted on three hummers on a 25 truck convey one in front of the convey one in the middle of convey and one on the end of the convey.Lot of brave soul lost their lives in transporting the JP8 God bless all those who went to Iraq and gave it their all to help those that where in this war zone in the Iraqi war all those years till they pulled out.Hope to here from some of those brave men and women that were in Iraq as contractors may God bless you all you can contact me at jone

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