‘Contractors’ Archives
News Media Does the Math on Contract Workers in Iraq
Major media is getting around to discussing the plight of the blue-collar workers coming home from jobs in Iraq. Mainstream corporate media plans to visit Jana Crowder's February 10 event in Knoxville, Tenn., to interview workers and their families about the liabilities of working in the crossfire of war. At one time, Iraq was touted as the new [...]
‘Deplorable’ Conditions for US Contract Laborers in Iraq
Just cleaning up my notes and found this inspection of a labor camp for the US Army dining facility at Camp Marez. Dated February 2005, most of the people living there were low-wage workers from the Philippines and Turkey. "Filthy" is the common word summarizing the housing where workers were kept under this multi-billion-dollar US contract held [...]
Congress Urged to Look at Labor Trafficking
GovExec reiterates POGO's press release today by outlining the group's 13 priorities for Congress in the coming session. Among those priorities, the often celebrated, self-appointed, Washington-based watchdog group, aka, the Project on Government Oversight, singles out labor trafficking under US contracts in Iraq: Highlighting a little-known [...]
Insuring Wartime Risks
It's one of the priciest items on a contractor's bill when doing business on the battlefield: insurance. Calculations estimate that premiums range from $10 to $21 per $100 of salary paid to a civilian contractor, according to the investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office. "That means taxpayers were paying up to $21,000 a [...]
Civilian Footprint
KBR Press release: The work that KBR is doing in the Middle East could not be accomplished without a dedicated workforce, and the company is proud of its 50,000 employees and subcontractors who daily face danger to support the troops serving there. Sadly, 95 KBR employees and subcontractors have lost their lives and more than 420 personnel have [...]
Skinned Doberman, Two Beers and Jingle Bells
Season's greetings! This just came in from Iraq. I like it. Hey Everybody, I hope you all are well and happy. Christmas time can be fun and cheerful if you do it right. I went looking for some christmas lights at the nearest FOB (forward operating base) but the PX there didn't have any. I found some low voltage lights here, so I'm going to try [...]
Pentagon Claims Widespread Practice: Contractors have been Taking Passports from Workers on the Battlefield

by David Phinney Dec. 17, 2006 -- The Pentagon announced last spring that contractors in Iraq were taking and holding civilian employee passports. Why? To prevent employees from "jumping" to other firms.... "among other things." Did the "other things" include discouraging laborers from escaping harsh treatment, non-payment of salaries, [...]
KBR Gives a Pass to Costly Insurance Requirements in Iraq

by David Phinney Dec. 17. 2006 -- I have a curious one-page memo, "Blanket Insurance Waiver," which apparently allows Halliburton/KBR to waive insurance requirements -- read cut "costs" -- to potential subcontractors working under Halliburton's sweeping military logistics contract, known as LOGCAP. Four top-level KRR managers approved this [...]
The Shadow Army
CBS and The San Francisco Chronicle both ran recent stories on contractors working in Iraq. Privatizing support services supposedly brings down costs for the Pentagon. It also sweeps a myriad number of problems under the rug -- everything from who gets to carry guns and the liability for shooting people to the longterm health problems of the [...]
Greetings from Bangkok
Lots of new things to report from my travels to Manila. I met with government officials and former workers with First Kuwaiti Trading and Contracting. I am told that First Kuwaiti is on a Philippine agency "watch list" for numerous complaints from workers about alleged labor trafficking into Iraq and horrid working and living conditions there. The [...]