‘Contractors’ Archives
A Fog of Allegations about Bribes and Kickbacks at Halliburton’s KBR
Here's a document that sheds some light on ongoing investigations of Halliburton's business in Iraq: an internal company memo dated May 13, 2004, from Randy Harl, KBR chairman, advises company employees that "one or two of our former employees may have received ‘kick backs' from a selected contractor," and that government investigators had been [...]
And, Now the Indictments — Multiple Lawsuits Target KBR
Here is a taste of the lawsuits taking on Halliburton's subsidiary KBR and its multibillion business in Iraq for providing logistical support to the U.S. Army. Only recently has it been made public that the complaint is related to indictments of a former KBR manager and subcontractor LaNouvelle for an alleged million-dollar kickback. by David [...]
Spending Billions of Iraqi Money
by David Phinney Jan. 14, 2005 -- International skepticism over a secret $7 billion Iraq contract awarded to Halliburton subsidiary KBR was already grabbing headlines when another news storm slammed the Texas-based in November 2003: Pentagon auditors said the company appeared to be overcharging on one task order by as much as $61 million for [...]
‘Contract Meals Disaster’ for Abu Ghraib Prisoners
Is this how the situation began deteriorating at Abu Ghraib? CorpWatch Dec. 9, 2004 'Contract Meals Disaster' for Iraqi Prisoners by David Phinney Rotten food crawling with bugs, traces of rats and dirt. Rancid meats and spoiled food resulting in diarrhea and food poisoning. This is what detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad [...]
Iraq Contractor Accused of Offshore Shell Game
by David Phinney October 14th, 2004 Oct. 14, 2004 -- Former managers working with Custer Battles, a high-profile private security company in Iraq, are accusing the firm of using affiliated "shell" companies in the Cayman Islands and other "tax haven" countries to fraudulently overcharge on government contracts by tens of millions of [...]
US: Diminished Oversight Leads to Overpricing
by David Phinney April 5th, 2004 Ken Pedeleose’s eyes popped in awe as he plowed through a bill for airplane parts in 1999: $2,522 for a 4½-inch metal sleeve, $744 for a washer, $714 for a rivet, and $5,217 for a 1-inch metal bracket. [...]
First Major Iraq Reconstruction Contract Awarded
April 21, 2003 -- The U.S. Agency for International Development awarded engineering giant Bechtel Corp. the first major contract for reconstruction efforts in Iraq. The $34.6 million deal, awarded April 17, could top out at $680 million over 18 months and calls for emergency infrastructure and repair to the war-torn nation, which has suffered [...]
Rally Presses for Investigation of Point Blank Body Armor
Target Prevails: The Miami Herald. This story pre-dates the national scandal of faulty Point Blank body armor provided to troops in Afghanistan by almost three years (Sept. 19, 2002). For example of later reporting, see MSNBC.com. By DAVID PHINNEY Members of [...]