by David Phinney
Monday February 17th 2025



Now , Things are Getting Interesting

“We’ve secretly replaced the White House press corps with actual reporters,” Jon Stewart recently joked.
I don’t know about the “secretly”, but it does seem the White House wags have found an issue they can now flog after seemingly sleeping at the wheel for the past few years while basking in the access of spoonfed press releases. Serious old-school skepticism over the invasion of Iraq must have been left at the gate before passing through the metal detectors.
Lefty commentators Dan Schorr in The Christian Science Monitor and Frank Rich in The New York Times are both asserting that the flap over Karl Rove’s possible tip off to reporters about CIA desk person Valarie Plame’s identity is not the issue. The real issue is about if the administration was misleading the nation about its true intentions for invading Iraq.


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