Faye Fiore and Julian E. Barnes of the LA TImes, update the tongue wagging on Nancy Pelosi’s request for a really big plane to fly to California and back when she gets the urge:
The military passenger plane that can make the flight in any weather and also provide the communications necessary to stay in contact with the White House is the bigger and costlier C-40 — described by the Air Force as an “office in the sky” with beds, two galleys and business-class seating…. The seats are similar to those in commercial first-class cabins, and most have electrical outlets and Internet access. …The House sergeant at arms originally advised Pelosi that Hastert had used a military plane and recommended that she use one that didn’t need to refuel….(Pelosi spokesman) Daly acknowledged, however, that Pelosi has inquired whether family and friends can fly with her on business travel. A mother of five and grandmother of six, Pelosi’s family often accompanies her on the road.