This sounds like a huge blunder, not to mention, atrocity. Then again, it may not be true. Maybe.
Reuters reports July 2 that “Iraq’s U.N. ambassador has accused U.S. Marines of shooting to death in cold blood his unarmed 21-year-old cousin in western Iraq and demanded an immediate investigation.”
The report continues:
Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie said Marines killed his first cousin’s son, Mohammed al-Sumaidaie, an engineering student, during a June 25 raid of his home in Al-Shaikh Hadid, near a U.S. military base at Haditha Dam.
“All indications point to a killing of an unarmed innocent civilian — a cold-blooded murder,” said Sumaidaie, a Sunni and ally of the United States, on Friday. “The Marines were smiling at each other as they were leaving.”Sumaidaie, in a three-page statement, called for an investigation of the killing, saying outrage over the incident could jeopardize public support for the United States in Iraq.
The U.S. military, in its own statement from Camp Fallujah in Iraq, said the ambassador’s charges “roughly correspond to an incident involving coalition forces on that day in that general location.”
Perhaps insurgents posing as Marines?
And to think I have just been blathering about good and bad manners among contractors.