by David Phinney
Sunday May 19th 2024



‘Uncategorized’ Archives

Custer Battles Exonerated

Iraq training ground concerned with biological weapons and a nuclear device.... chemical are more the shake and bake variety

It’s Pile-On Time for the Lame Duck

the 1986, the President Ronald Reagan appeared on national television and denied that his administration had occurred helped sell arms to Iran. One week later, he admitted on November 13 that weapons the weapons had, indeed, been sent to Iran, but denied that the transfer was a swop for for hostages. It became known as the Iran-Contra Affair. The [...]

The Invisible Army

Jana Crowder's new blog on American Contractors In Iraq contains a link to some moving visuals put together by the wife of a private security contractor. Some say there are 25,000 private security contractors in Iraq. Robert Young Pelton, author of a sweeping new account of private security contractors, says he has been told there are as many as [...]

Sandi Group

Wheaties Kickback Downunder It's one of the oddest, more outlandish contracting stories to come out of Iraq that began with Australian kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's regieme and then continued after the American invasion. The illicit wheat sales began with the Australian Wheat Board circumventing what was known as the [...]

News Wars and Bush Administration Press Officers

During the run up to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, Knight-Ridder Washington Post: Why do we continue to listen to Bob Woodward offer his opinion of the war when he was so wrong on WMD? And conversely, why aren't the Knight-Ridder reporters (the one's who the [...]

It Can’t Happen Here

Over 600,000 men, 2 percent of the U.S. population at the time, died during the American Civil War and institutionalized slavery was brought to an end. Or was it? A dozen Guatemalan workers "say they were promised jobs planting trees in North Carolina for $7.50 per hour. Instead, they say they were taken in a van to Connecticut without their [...]

More on Fly Nancy

Faye Fiore and Julian E. Barnes of the LA TImes, update the tongue wagging on Nancy Pelosi's request for a really big plane to fly to California and back when she gets the urge: The military passenger plane that can make the flight in any weather and also provide the communications necessary to stay in contact with the White House is the bigger [...]


Andrew G. Howell General Counsel, Blackwater USA Newshour -- DOUG BROOKS: There are two rules now that apply to contractors. One is the MEJA, Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, which says that anybody, any contractor working in support of a U.S. mission, can be [...]

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