by David Phinney
Saturday February 15th 2025



‘Uncategorized’ Archives

CACI 20 percent boom,+04:05+PM

Halliburton Manager Pleads Guilty to Iraq Kickback

This just in.... and just spewed out. A former Halliburton project manager entered a guilty plea today to charges of accepting more than $100,000 dollars in kickbacks on a $609,000 construction contract to renovate four buildings Iraq. This is all sort of a surprise. There never was prior news of an indictment or arrest of the manager, Glenn Allen [...]

Chinese Front Companies in the US

Someone just asked me about this: Chinese front companies in the United States engaged in espionage and collecting valuable technology for weapons transfer. That was big news in 1998.

Video: Mercenary Sniper in Iraq

This video, allegedly of a 5-man Blackwater security outfit will surely make it to the network news.

Marines Arrest Security Convoy: A Story with Legs

By David Phinney Aug. 8, 2005 -- It's always gratifying to break a new story: the US Marines arresting and jailing a Zapata private security convoy over Memorial Day weekend near Fallujah, Iraq without charges. An investigation continues, of course, as first reported June 2 in this blog and picked up by the other media June 8. Not only did [...]

The Rolling Stones Take on Pentagon and Halliburton

Maybe this new Rolling Stones song will catch someone's attention. Reported by the Associated Press, it will at least put the group back in the mix of things just in time for a US Tour: There is no mention of Bush or Iraq, but it does refer to military contractor Halliburton, formerly run by US Vice President Dick Cheney and has been awarded key [...]

Fare Well, Peter Jennings

In my three years at ABC, Peter Jennings always stood out as a generous and perceptive soul to many of the best at the network. In what has become an all too often cutthroat business that takes the easy story over hard work, passion and dedication, and which places an increasingly heavier thumb on the sobering scale between corporate careerism and [...]

Titan Contractor Says Company Violated Army Contract

A former Titan translator working in Iraq claims to have had an assault rifle strapped to his shoulder while kicking in doors, rounding up suspected insurgents and "shooting and being shot at." "In January alone I fired between 300 to 500 bullets in self-defense," he tells The San Diego Union-Tribune in an excellent series about the working [...]

Honor and Integrity

George W. Bush's stump speech in the 2000 presidential campaign included the often repeated phrase "You judge a man's character by the company he keeps," before introducing his wife and Dick Cheney. At the time, Bush was traveling with the use of a corporate jet offered to his campaign by Ken Lay of Enron at greatly reduced prices unlike the [...]

Now , Things are Getting Interesting

"We've secretly replaced the White House press corps with actual reporters," Jon Stewart recently joked. I don't know about the "secretly", but it does seem the White House wags have found an issue they can now flog after seemingly sleeping at the wheel for the past few years while basking in the access of spoonfed press releases. Serious [...]

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