by David Phinney
Friday January 24th 2025



‘Blog Items’ Archives

Baghdad Embassy Contractor Aims for More Business

Baghdad Embassy Contractor Aims for More Business

Sloppy construction, safety problems, bribes, slave-like labor practices, missed deadlines, internal disputes and inflated costs -- the new $600-million US embassy compound in Baghdad is swamped in a rising deluge of allegations from lawmakers and the news media. Meanwhile, the former Washington representative for the Kuwait-headquartered [...]

Embassy to be Finalized ‘Later this Month’…. Huh?

Stop the Press: Charles Williams, director of the State Department's overseas building operations, told USA TODAY that the new embassy in Baghdad will be finalized later this month. The delay was shorter than those seen during recent construction of smaller embassies, he said. Seems the State Department just can't get its story straight. State [...]

rory mayberry

YouTube Oliver North Perhaps that’s because “one of the most highly regarded staffs on Capitol Hill” has a few problems of its own. In July, while “investigating” hiring “abuses” in the construction of the new U.S. embassy in Baghdad [...]

Baghdad Embassy Delayed Indefinitely with Cost Overruns

The opening of the mammoth new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has been delayed indefinitely, according to Reuters as the Kuwaiti contractor "fixes a punch list of problems," the State Department said on Tuesday. The sprawling complex, whose cost is edging toward $750 million, was set to open last month but U.S. lawmakers say shoddy work by the [...]

Waxman Takes More Swings at Baghdad Embassy Contractor

A leading Democrat in Congress is blasting the US State Department for apparently casting a blind eye on allegations of widespread construction flaws at the $600-million-and-counting embassy project in Baghdad. In a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Rep. Henry Waxman, who chairs the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, [...]

What a Difference Ten Years Makes

In September 1997, Linda Tripp began secretly began recording telephone conversations with her 24-year-old friend, Monica Lewinsky, regarding Lewinsky's Oval Office affair with President Clinton. Tripp handed those tapes over to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr in January 1998 as unrelated evidence to the investigation of the Whitewater, a failed [...]

Embassy Contractor’s Ties to Lebanese Politics Questioned

Daily Star staff Tuesday, October 09, 2007 BEIRUT: US congressmen are waging a campaign against Lebanese businessman Wadih Abssi to thwart his project to build US embassies in Riyadh and Baghdad "because he is one of the main financers of the head of the Reform and Change parliamentary bloc, MP Michel Aoun," a Kuwaiti newspaper said Monday. Ar-Rai [...]


Free Patriotic Movement Michel Aoun, a former commander of the Lebanese army who served as a transitory Prime Minister of one of two governments that contended for power in the final years of the Lebanese civil war (1988 - 1990). The movement was [...]

Jim Golden and Lebanon

US Embassy Contractor Missing Laptop?

US Embassy Contractor Missing Laptop?

by David Phinney Oct. 6, 2007 -- A laptop belonging to a high-level executive supervising construction of the new US embassy in Baghdad went missing in May 2006 at the Kuwait office of the contractor hired to build the new US embassy in Baghdad, according to multiple sources. These sources, who formerly worked with the contractor, have [...]

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