‘Blog Items’ Archives
Slap on the Hands: List of Iraq-Related Contractors Receiving Penalties
by David Phinney March 21, 2007 -- Government investigators told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday that they were focusing on debarment and suspensions of individuals and companies as an approach to punishing wrongdoing by contractors in Iraq. To Date: 14 individuals and companies have been suspended from future US government [...]
‘Contract Meals Disaster’ for Abu Ghraib Prisoners
Is this how the situation began deteriorating at Abu Ghraib? CorpWatch Dec. 9, 2004 'Contract Meals Disaster' for Iraqi Prisoners by David Phinney Rotten food crawling with bugs, traces of rats and dirt. Rancid meats and spoiled food resulting in diarrhea and food poisoning. This is what detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad [...]