by David Phinney
Saturday February 15th 2025



Baghdad Embassy Contractor and the Lebanese Forces?

by David Phinney

Oct. 25, 2007 — Okay. So we know that the Baghdad embassy contractor, First Kuwaiti, is run by a Lebanese in Kuwait.

And we know that First Kuwaiti’s former Washington representative, Robert Farah, has been trying to buy First Kuwaiti’s US partner Grunley Walsh, a company that has already landed First Kuwaiti more US embassy work around the world.

We also know that Robert Farah, Paul Jureidini and Robert K. Kelley are the key players to taking control of Grunley Walsh International (according to documents), which recently won over $200 million in new State Department contracts for embassy and consulate construction in Saudi Arabia, Gabon and Indonesia.

Robert Farah: Is the former Washington representative to First Kuwaiti. He has represented the controversial Kuwait-based, Lebanese-run contractor at State Department meetings. Lebanese by birth, Farah is also a former information officer and secretary-general for political affairs of the Lebanese Forces political party from 1986 until at least 2001. His first recorded political contribution to a US national election was in June 2006 when he gave $25,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee. Farah began making moves around September 2006 to purchase Grunley Walsh’s newly-formed Grunley Walsh International soon after Grunley landed its first embassy work with First Kuwaiti as its prime subcontractor.


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