by David Phinney
Saturday February 15th 2025



‘Iraq’ Archives

American Women Who Died in Iraq

Absolutely stunning is the Web page honoring 80 American women who have died serving their country in Iraq and the neighboring region -- young and old, uniformed and civilian. Scroll down and see their faces. Assembled by Noonie Fortin.

Iraq Vet Says Bank Heist Might Be ‘Political’

AN ARMY VET HAS BEEN TELLING THE NEWS MEDIA that he witnessed US military personnel commit war atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq, including the rape of an Iraqi woman, the execution of 12 to 17 prisoners in Afghanistan and robberies. He claims that after reporting the crimes to his superior officers he was told "to forget about it." Former Army [...]

Army May Not Pay $400 Million to KBR

The US Army may challenge up to $400 million billed by Halliburton's KBR subsidiary under the company's "$20 billion" military logistics contract because of unauthorized charges for private security in Iraq. (more…)

Contractors on the Battlefield Here to Stay

Using civilian contractors to support and accompany US military actions is "here to stay," according to a new study unveiled yesterday by the Lexington Institute: "There is no going back: they are now part of force deployment and, as such, must be included at all levels of pre-contingency planning and training...Contractors are now an integral and [...]

Contractor Deaths Raise Casualty Count

Feb. 23, 2007 -- It's no easy task tallying the total casualties supporting the US war effort in Iraq because "while the Defense Department issues a press release whenever a soldier or Marine dies," getting the official figures on civilian contractor deaths and injuries before 2006 requires a time-consuming Freedom of Information Act request, [...]

Life Beyond War

It's easy to forget that Iraq is more than IEDs, carnage and corruption if you are sitting here in DC. Younis Mahmoud, the 24-year-old kid from Al-Dibs in Kirkuk, is considered one of Iraq's most talented players on both the Olympic and national stage. Originally a basketball player, he was the first Iraqi footballer to have his own official Web [...]

A Big Mistake: Mistrusting the Iraqi Worker

Putting people out of work might be the biggest mistake a liberator could make, says Marshall Adame, who worked on Iraq reconstruction projects with The Sandi Group and as a senior US advisor to the Iraqi government from 2003 until late 2006: Iraq is not now, or in 2003, a country without professional organizations, associations, business [...]

Pictures Worth a Thousand Lives

Feel the love while on a private security run somewhere in Iraq. 'American PSD Detail Stares Down Tank Barrel': It's a tough job.

Major Shift in Iraq Private Security?

It may signal the twilight of gun-slinging expat companies barreling through Iraq with armored convoys while ringing up the multi-million-dollar receivables. Iraqslogger reports that a new round of contracts could be in the offing for major security and training contracts in Iraq with a drop-dead clause: "Complete handover to Iraqis at end of [...]

PTSD Haunting Returning Soldiers and Contractors

Once known as soldier's heart in the World Wars, it took years for returning Vietnam vets to receive the public support they earned and deserved for what is now known as post traumatic stress disorder. Many fell apart and landed homeless on the streets across America. Some never recovered or regained their footing. Now, major media shines a light [...]

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