by David Phinney
Wednesday May 1st 2024



(Huh?) ‘Increasingly Sexy’ Global Warming (?)

Global warming is making people hot around the collar, perhaps, but sexy?
Maybe The Washington Post’s new blogger, Paul Kane, is just being “cute” by calling it “sexy.” After all, a newly-hired columnist can’t be too careful about giving credibility to an issue once advanced exclusively by lefties (readers might think you have a liberal bias or something).
Left or right, Kane’s eye caught a good one coming up: three presidential candidates parade before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Tuesday — Sens. Joe Biden (D-Del.), John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Meanwhile Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) sits on the panel. They will all be offering their solutions to that “increasingly sexy topic” of global warming.
Paul correctly predicts the hearing to be “toothless,” so where did he come up with the “fireworks” part starting at 9:00 am?
Fireworks is doubtful, but hopefully it will be more than a lot of hot air.
The safe bet for putting the match to a fuse is with the more substantive hearing Tuesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Led by Henry Waxman of California, the committee be investigating political interference by the Bush Administration in the work of government scientists studying climate change.
Then beginning February 6, Waxman will launch hearings on waste, fraud and abuse under Iraq contractors — the first of what Waxman says will be a series unfolding in coming months. Notes The Wall Street Journal:

They will mark the opening of what promises to be one of the most significant inquiries by the new Congress into actions by the Bush administration while Republicans controlled the House and Senate.


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