by David Phinney
Saturday February 15th 2025




Free Patriotic Movement
Michel Aoun, a former commander of the Lebanese army who served as a transitory Prime Minister of one of two governments that contended for power in the final years of the Lebanese civil war (1988 – 1990). The movement was officially declared a political party on September 18, 2005.
U.S. Congressmen are lobbying against signing a deal with Lebanese contractor Wadih Abbsy to build the new U.S. Embassy compound in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, accusing him of financially backing Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported Sunday.
The newspaper al-Rai said some congressmen have launched a campaign against granting contracts to Abbsy for building U.S. embassies “because they confirm that he is one of the financial backers of Gen. Michel Aoun, who heads the Lebanese Change and Reform (Parliamentary) Bloc.”
The report said Aoun is openly branded in Congress halls as a “licker of Syrian boots, a phrase used by Rep. Gary Ackerman in his address to congress while lobbying for approval of a new resolution pressuring Syria into halting its intervention in Lebanon’s affairs and putting an end to the campaign of terror against the March 14 movement.”
The newspaper said the Abssy file caused a row between the U.S. Treasury and State departments as well decision-making circles at the defense department, intelligence circles and congress after the administration launched a “thorough investigation into his role and (roles of) other partners in building the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad.”
U.S. Congressmen are lobbying against signing a deal with Lebanese contractor Wadih Abbsy to build the new U.S. Embassy compound in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, accusing him of financially backing Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported Sunday.
The newspaper al-Rai said some congressmen have launched a campaign against granting contracts to Abbsy for building U.S. embassies “because they confirm that he is one of the financial backers of Gen. Michel Aoun, who heads the Lebanese Change and Reform (Parliamentary) Bloc.”
The report said Aoun is openly branded in Congress halls as a “licker of Syrian boots, a phrase used by Rep. Gary Ackerman in his address to congress while lobbying for approval of a new resolution pressuring Syria into halting its intervention in Lebanon’s affairs and putting an end to the campaign of terror against the March 14 movement.”
The newspaper said the Abssy file caused a row between the U.S. Treasury and State departments as well decision-making circles at the defense department, intelligence circles and congress after the administration launched a “thorough investigation into his role and (roles of) other partners in building the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad.”
OPPOSING ASSASSINATION OF LEBANESE PUBLIC FIGURES — (House of Representatives – September 25, 2007)
Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the resolution and yield myself such time as I may consume.
Mr. Speaker, what has been happening in Lebanon is extreme aggression in the classic sense of the word. Through a campaign of assassinations targeting Lebanese parliamentarians and political figures; bombings in public places; threats to establish an alternative extra-constitutional government; and the instigation of a jihadi insurgency by the Fatah al-Islam, Syria, Iran, their bootlegging proxies, Hezbollah, Amal, and Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement, have brought Lebanon’s government to a constitutional crisis. Yet again, outside actors have pushed Lebanon to the brink of civil war for their selfish interests.
Just 6 days ago, on September 19, a massive car bomb killed Antoine Ghanem along with five other civilians, and left many dozens of other bystanders wounded. Mr. Ghanem, a member of the Lebanese Parliament and a supporter of the Siniora government, was just the latest in a string of 11 political assassinations over the past 3 years. As a consequence of this pattern of violence, the March 14 alliance is two parliamentarians away from being murdered out of their majority.
Now is the time for this Congress to send a strong message of support for the democratically elected and fully legitimate government in Lebanon. Time, Mr. Speaker, is short.
The Syrian-backed campaign for murder is creeping ever closer to its goal of destroying the majority of the Lebanese Parliament, bringing down the government of Fuad Siniora, and imposing again a pro-Syrian president on Lebanon.
Fearing just this scenario months ago, I introduced H. Res. 548 with the ranking member of the subcommittee, Mr. Pence, with Chairman Lantos and Representatives ISSA and BOUSTANY, two Members whose roots extend back to Lebanon. This bipartisan resolution expresses the strong support of the House of Representatives for Lebanon’s elected government, and affirms our readiness to make that support tangible in order to help preserve and strengthen Lebanese sovereignty and independence.
The resolution condemns Syria and Iran for providing arms to Lebanese militias, particularly the terrorist group Hezbollah, and the Palestinian factions in Lebanon, in clear contravention of Security Council resolutions.
H. Res. 548 also endorses prompt action by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon established by the Security Council to investigate the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005. Syria must know with utter certainty that the United States will never sacrifice justice in Lebanon to allow Damascus to escape accountability for its crimes.
The current Lebanese Government, which is under siege, is both legitimate and representative of the majority of Lebanese. The attempts to undermine it are not some kind of retaliation. Lebanon’s government is being systemically attacked only because it is unwilling to subordinate its authority and Lebanon’s sovereignty to external and extra-legal demands.
Quite simply, Lebanon is being bullied. And in light of this fact, the United States and the entire international community must come to its aid.
I would urge all of our colleagues to support the resolution.


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One Response to “Auon”

  1. Arnold says:

    FROM CAROL HERMANSometimes, ya just gotta read between the lines. Syria did NOT join the fight, when Israel spent 3 weeks baiintg the trap. The IDF “jab” stuff at least contains clues that Israel does not want to keep anything in lebanon. And, that nasrallah has competition now, in the Bakakta Valley. Like it or not. The french are showing up. Where they’re known as the “masters” in this part of the world, anyway. Except for iran, france is “one of these people.” So french. A real paris on the mediterrainean. With a few setbacks, now.What you also see is that nasrallah and assad aren’t “pals.” And, assad’s angry at the intrusion. Because all of a sudden there are new middle-men; where he once had a free trade zone. Pushing hash hish, and all sorts of other contraband through to his “customers.” There’s a lot of shaking “out” going on inside those tents, folks.And, not all the partners are happy, happy. These goons tend to shoot each other over profits, as well. So just stand back.lebanon is far away from it’s old $4.5 billion tourist industry. And, the shi’a. Many of them. Now have nowhere to live in lebanon. And, they’re about as welcome as arafat’s old fishes.You’ve just got to let the gangs work this out. Maybe? The better question is: WHO IS THE GODFATHER IN THE SHADOWS? Is it Chirac? I wouldn’t be surprised.Some day, ahead, Olmert will turn out to have been a prophet, in how he handled things. While looking weak. And, fooling ALL of his enemies. Don’t be so fast writing conclusions, before you know all the facts.

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