by David Phinney
Monday February 17th 2025



Happy Birthday, CIA

Someone just sent me this link: from Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting:

Extra! November/December 1997
One of the most evenhanded examples of mainstream coverage of the CIA’s anniversary was on ABC News’ website, where the report opens on a note of caution: “No doubt the nation’s leading band of spies prefers to forget about the disastrous Bay of Pigs, bumbling plots to knock off political leaders and an abject failure to predict the fall of the Berlin Wall,” writes ABC’s David Phinney. “During the 1960s, the CIA experimented with LSD on unsuspecting subjects and spied on citizens protesting the Vietnam War. In the 1980s, it associated with groups found to be involved in torture and executions, and became mixed up in trading drugs for arms during the Iran/Contra era.” Unlike most features on the CIA’s anniversary, Phinney’s story includes a quote from a CIA critic, a representative of Human Rights Watch.


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