‘Politics’ Archives
Arianna’s Aggressive Pursuit of (the) Action

Talk about swing voters! Some readers may take interest in remembering that Arianna Huffington, publisher of the innovative, liberal Huffington Post, first spun into the American political limelight as the GOP diva and head ideological cheerleader when Republicans took control of Congress in 1995 for the first time since 1952. She could be [...]
Energy Independence in 10 Years

Imagine President Bush announcing a national plan to achieve US energy independence by 2011 the day after the 9-11 attack in 2001. We may have already been half way there in reaching the goal. Bush could have muscled all of his political capital and the collective national will to support the development of energy efficient products and [...]
Shrinking Violets
They foresaw a New American Century and it was as if they planned to pump up US foreign policy with steady injections of steroids. ... Then again, maybe they just were metaphorically whacked out on the drug themselves. In their 1997 manifesto, they posed the question: "Does the United States have the resolve to shape a new century favorable to [...]
Just in Time for the November Election
Crude oil fell to $63.76 a barrel at the close, down nearly 3% from yesterday, as the International Energy Agency and the U.S. Energy Information Administration both cut global demand projections for the rest of 2006 and 2007. Who has more influence over oil prices? George Bush and his Saudi friends or Nancy Pelosi and her socialite buddies?
ABC, bin Laden, Clinton and Monica
by David Phinney Sept. 7, 2006 -- It figures that ABC would be bending current events for reasons beyond my understanding. Ratings? Politics? Ass kissing to the current administration? Who knows? Perhaps, it's just typical corporate incompetence. On January 21, 1998, ABC's Jackie Judd was the first network reporter to broadcast the [...]
Rally Presses for Investigation of Point Blank Body Armor

Target Prevails: The Miami Herald. This story pre-dates the national scandal of faulty Point Blank body armor provided to troops in Afghanistan by almost three years (Sept. 19, 2002). For example of later reporting, see MSNBC.com. By DAVID PHINNEY Members of [...]
Despite Impeachment Outcome Clinton Foes Claim Victory

Getting Their Man: ABCnews.com. Longtime foes to President Clinton weigh in on the impeachment. "It's like getting Al Capone on tax evasion," said one. "He's a phony, a con man and the greatest liar in history," said another. All the while, Clinton's job [...]