by David Phinney
Monday February 17th 2025



‘Politics’ Archives

Marching Back to the Future: The Department of Peace

Max Boot parades his bright ideas about the use of civilians in wartime environments in The Los Angeles Times: How Bush can ensure no more Iraqs The U.S. is only a few bright ideas away from being the nation builder it needs to be. In the opening graph, Boot claims that one of the "most intriguing elements" of President Bush's State of the Union [...]

(Huh?) ‘Increasingly Sexy’ Global Warming (?)

Global warming is making people hot around the collar, perhaps, but sexy? Maybe The Washington Post's new blogger, Paul Kane, is just being "cute" by calling it "sexy." After all, a newly-hired columnist can't be too careful about giving credibility to an issue once advanced exclusively by lefties (readers might think you have a liberal bias or [...]

Well, It Sounded Good Last Week….

..... According to The Washington Post: Twenty in 10: Bush said in his State of the Union speech last week that he has a "goal of reducing U.S. gasoline usage by 20 percent in the next 10 years." The fine print: Administration officials said that the goal is 20 percent below projected annual gasoline usage, not off today's levels. That's very [...]

Candidates to Outnumber Voters in ’08

One in Two Americans Running for President, Experts Say So says The Borowitz Report: While the negative tone of recent election campaigns have turned off voters in record numbers, the appeal of being the world's most powerful person has never been greater, causing the two trend lines to cross. Furthermore: The fact that over 140 million [...]

A Convenient Candidate

Rolling Stone rolls out the argument for Al Gore to step up to the plate and run again for president. If he takes the bait, there would be no better time than at the Oscars, where his power-point presentation, ah, I mean film on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, looks like the top contender for best documentary. While accepting the award he [...]

Bush’s State of the Union: Volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps?

I am a little curious about his idea for designing and establishing a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Sounds like a move to institutionalize the use of contractors on the battlefield: Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to [...]

Richardson Readies for Wiggle Room

Not that it's much of my business, but the Democratic operatives on Capitol Hill I know say he shares the same liability as Bill Clinton. A few flings or maybe more outside the zipper of his marriage vows. The skeletons could be rattling any moment now once New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson announces this Sunday that he is ready to create a [...]

Gripping Headline!!! Hold the Phone! This Just In!!!

by David Phinney Jan 14, 2007 -- A guy I was standing next to in line at Murky Grounds on Capitol Hill pointed this out to me. "That's no headline," he said, pointing to a stack of Washington Post newspapers by the cash register. And there it was, above the fold on The Washington Post front page: "HOUSE GOP SHOWS ITS FRACTIOUSNESS IN [...]

Congress Urged to Look at Labor Trafficking

GovExec reiterates POGO's press release today by outlining the group's 13 priorities for Congress in the coming session. Among those priorities, the often celebrated, self-appointed, Washington-based watchdog group, aka, the Project on Government Oversight, singles out labor trafficking under US contracts in Iraq: Highlighting a little-known [...]


From a December 12 Bill Moyers speech before a bunch of lefty groups gathering in New York sponsored by The Nation, Demos, the Brennan Center for Justice and the New Democracy Project: Democrats are ebullient as they prepare to take charge of the multitrillion-dollar influence racket that we used to call the US Congress. Let them rejoice while [...]

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