‘KBR’ Archives
Escape from Iraq: Filipino Migrant Worker Recounts Nightmare Flight

He Didn't Want to Go: Ramil Autencio thought he was traveling to Kuwait for a job in a luxury hotel. The employer, a major Kuwait contractor working for the US government, instead pressured him to work on US military camps in Iraq. The father of two recounts his escape with more than 40 others during interview in Manila. He says he never wanted [...]
New Military Support Contract ‘Improperly Awarded’
by David Phinney Nov. 1, 2007 -- A new 10-year, $150 billion arrangement for providing logistical support U.S. troops around the world should be reconsidered, according to a lead government agency charged with reviewing federal contract awards. The contracts assigned the work to KBR, Fluor and DynCorp, but the General Accountability Office is [...]
A Review of an Alleged Million-Dollar Bribe
Update on Jeff Mazon, a KBR contract officer being accused of taking bribes from businesses seeking work to support the US military in Iraq: Country Club Hills man accused in Iraq war kickback scheme. Mazon faces four counts of major fraud and eight counts of wire fraud. Under way in federal court in Rock Island, Mazon's trial has shed light on [...]
Oops: Another KBR Cost Overrun

June 25, 2007 -- KBR forgot to keep accurate records of gasoline distribution, quartered employees in living spaces that may be larger than necessary and served meals that appeared to cost $4.5 million more than what was being eaten, according to a new Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction audit. SIGIR selectively distributed the [...]
The Contractor’s Fight at Home

I hooked up Dan Rather's producer to many of the sources and events in this Dan Rather Reports: "The hidden story of Americans serving in Iraq, the civilian contractors." Never did get a thank you. by David Phinney March 24, 2007 -- War for Hire: Dan Rather's producer called me for sources for a report exploring the "invisible army" in [...]
Accused of Labor Abuse, Gulf Catering Wins More Business

By David Phinney May 17, 2007 -- Target for Constant Whining: Although repeatedly accused of labor abuse and possible human trafficking of workers, Gulf Catering won another multimillion-dollar contract to feed US troops. Rest assured: The Pentagon looked into the allegations and found no substance to them. The unfounded badgering and rumors [...]
‘This Hearing Saved the Government 20 Million Dollars’

by David Phinney Feb. 7, 2007 -- From the time four U.S. security contractors were killed in streets of Fallujah on March 31, 2004 until yesterday, the U.S. Army couldn't determine if, in fact, Halliburton/KBR had broken its multibillion-dollar contract agreement by commissioning the private security company, Blackwater, to guard a [...]
KBR’s ‘Blanket Insurance Waiver’ for Sub-Contractors

by David Phinney Jan 26, 2007 -- I finally received an official comment from the Department of Labor regarding KBR’s “blanket insurance waiver” after more than a month of requests. The spokesman, David James, said DOL has never seen the document and “I cannot comment on another company’s internal memorandum.” In other words, [...]
KBR Gives a Pass to Costly Insurance Requirements in Iraq

by David Phinney Dec. 17. 2006 -- I have a curious one-page memo, "Blanket Insurance Waiver," which apparently allows Halliburton/KBR to waive insurance requirements -- read cut "costs" -- to potential subcontractors working under Halliburton's sweeping military logistics contract, known as LOGCAP. Four top-level KRR managers approved this [...]
KBR Sued for Back Wages and Salaries by Iraq Workers

by David Phinney Nov. 1, 2005 -- It's a complaint I hear repeatedly from disgruntled workers returning home from Iraq. Employees working for Halliburton's subsidiary, KBR, frequently tell me they were stiffed on their paychecks and didn't get paid what they were promised. Now there's a class action lawsuit seeking to resolve the complaints [...]